Booking Rates


Daily Rate

$200.00 - Daily

$200.00 - Deposit

Monday - Wednesday


Pay now


Daily Rate

$250.00 - Daily

$250.00 - Deposit

Thursday - Saturday


Pay now


Weekend Package

$1000.00 - ALL Weekend Rate

$500.00 - Deposit

Thursday - Sunday


Pay now


$100.00 - 1 HOUR - $200.00 Deposit

$250.00 - 4 HOURS - $200.00 Deposit

$400.00 - 8 HOURS - $200.00 Deposit

1 hr Event


Pay now

4 hr Event


Pay now

8 hr Event


Pay now


All rentals are limited to 300 miles ($1.00 per mile for each mile over). J&T Slingshot Rentals will deliver for an additional $100.00 and Pick up Scheduled for $100.00 (Within 50 mile radius).



• Must have and show proof of valid driver's license and insurance


• Anyone to be operating the unit MUST produce a valid driving credentials


No burn outs / no donuts (Traction Control Button MUST STAY ON) - Tire tread will be checked before and after each rental


Return with full tank of gas (93 Octane ONLY) - Must leave receipt in console or glove compartment


Customer can prepay for fuel at registration for $70.00 and return the unit at any fuel level


Late returns are $50.00 per 15 minutes up to $250.00. At $250.00 (5 HOURS), additional daily rates began in correspondence with J&T Slingshot Rentals' affected day / rate. In the case that late customer affects the rental of a reserved patron, the late customer is subject to refunding all affected reserved customers and loss of business income to J&T Slingshot Rentals



J&T Slingshot Rentals, LLC. All Rights Reserved 2023 • site maintained by Exact Marketing Services